Create Lasting Memories With Us While Building a Stronger, Supportive Community



Monthly Investment*

  • Attend any core events in Miami, FTLL and PB. Core events include monthly dinners and brunches.

    * Meal not included.

  • If you own a side hustle, a business or exploring a side hustle or project. This is perfect for you. All meetings take place on Zoom from the comfort of your home.

    Join a check-in call with other founders twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 9 am - 10 am EDT.

    Join 1 monthly coaching call on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 9 AM.

    1 Quarterly goal-setting workshop per month

    Join our Slack Channel to connect with other business owners.

  • Once a month, invite a friend to join you at our in person social events or at our online Business Lounge

  • Discounted tickets to our wellness events. We occasionally host retreats, wellness events, etc

  • Discounted tickets to occasional panel discussions with experts about various topics.

  • We invite you to be part of our online community hosted on Slack to keep in touch with our members and your new girlfriends.

    Ask for feedback, advice, questions, mentorship, referrals, etc We are here to support you as a community.

  • Occasionally, we provide gift bags at our in-person events.

*Expensing your membership:
Your employer might be able to reimburse this expense for you through your employee wellness dollars or other spending accounts. If you are a business owner, this membership could qualify as a business expense.

Cancellation policy: While we're confident you'll enjoy your experience with us, you're free to cancel anytime. Your membership runs month to month without any commitment.



Monthly Investment*

  • All-access to all benefits mentioned in the individual membership package.

  • Eliminate all fear, doubt, and procrastination by joining a group of women growing and building their empires. Sometimes all we need is support and guidance to keep going.

    Join us bi-weekly on Zoom calls with fellow founders to share your successes, and challenges, and seek feedback from experienced business owners who can guide you beyond your blocks. Connect with other women entrepreneurs and become part of a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

    Meeting time on Zoom: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT.

    Our framework of discussion:
    Share your wins and blocks and ask for feedback and support.

  • Enjoy a guaranteed feature on the Les Femmes website, introducing you and your business to our community.

  • Enjoy a guaranteed feature on the Les Femmes Instagram page, introducing you and your business to our community.

  • Click on "Learn More" below for what's included

*Expensing your membership:
Your employer might be able to reimburse this expense for you through your employee wellness dollars or other spending accounts. If you are a business owner, this membership could qualify as a business expense.

Cancellation policy: While we're confident you'll enjoy your experience with us, you're free to cancel anytime. Your membership runs month to month without any commitment.


Contact For Pricing

  • Your team is welcome to join any of our community events as part of their membership

  • Curious to know if your team is attending any events? We offer analytics to provide you with insights

  • Our creative team can design and create events exclusive for your team to help your team connect, have fun, and foster deeper connections.

Strengthen your company culture and promote your team's well-being by offering a supportive community that nurtures connection and personal growth.

It’s not just about attending a networking event, it’s about belonging to a community that makes us feel connected, supported, and inspired. It’s about being in a space designed for us to connect with those around us beyond surface-level interactions. A space where we can be our genuine selves, where we can grow and prosper, where we can meet genuine friends.

Our surroundings profoundly influence our identity and what we believe is possible for us. Stepping into spaces where diverse perspectives are explored can transform our outlook on life and ourselves. Moving to a new city and navigating life alone isn't easy; neither is staying with friends we've outgrown or finding a new group of friends after redesigning our lives. Finding the right community of like-minded girlfriends can make all the difference. At Les Femmes Social Club, we made it our mission to design this space for women to meet their next best friend because we all know that it’s important.

Chat With Us

If you have any questions about our social club membership or our FemmePreneurs (Entrepreneur) membership. Book a call with us below. We would love to get to know you and answer your questions.

How Does It Work?