Step Into Your Business Lounge
For Women in the Early Stages of Their Business (0-24 Months)

Building anything alone isn't exactly a thrill ride. Surround yourself with a group of women who get what it's like to pave new paths. When you dive into entrepreneurship, it's tempting to turn to your inner circle for feedback. But do they really know the ropes of where you're headed? We wanted to create a space for women to step in, find support, get their questions answered, get inspired, learn the strategy, and grow their business. Most importantly, for a very affordable price.

Is This Business Community The Right Fit For You?

  • Have you always wanted to be your own boss but don’t know where to begin? You have passions, skills, and expertise in an area but don’t know how to package your services, price, market, and sell?

  • Do you work for a corporation delivering services you’d like to start delivering under your own business but have never started, marketed, or run a business before?

  • Are you thinking of launching a new project, product, or service within an existing business but don’t know where to start?

  • Do you own an existing service-based, product-based, or coaching business but don’t know how to market and locate the right buyers consistently

  • Are you currently managing your business manually and looking to implement systems and automation to facilitate scaling?

  • Have you been comfortable growing your business on your own but looking for an accountability group and a social circle of founders you can check in with to avoid the loneliness of being a business owner?

  • Do you crave insightful business advice and meaningful conversations with other female entrepreneurs who understand the challenges and triumphs of growing a business or side hustle?

  • "So glad I got the opportunity to join the Boss Ladies Empowerment Call this morning. It’s exactly what I needed and never knew had been missing in my life. It was great to be in a safe space with likeminded women. Was also nice to see that there were people who’ve been in the same place as me and how they’ve overcame adversity."


  • It's easy to get caught up in doubts and excuses when pursuing something you’ve always wanted to do for self-improvement. However, after joining the Boss Ladies Empowerment check-in call, I accomplished a major task for my business within two weeks. This experience showed me the power of having a supportive group of like-minded women who cheer you on and hold you accountable. If you're seeking motivation and a space to share your journey of becoming a boss, join the Les Femmes empowerment check-in calls!

    Hanah F

Surround Yourself With People Who Have The Same Goals As You. Rise Together

When starting your first business, scaling or pivoting it’s easy to get caught up in self-doubt, procrastination and worry. Fear is a natural response to trying something new but with guidance you can navigate it with the right strategy and confidence.

As a business owner, every day, you're faced with tough decisions based on incomplete facts, dealing with challenges you likely haven't encountered before. It can feel overwhelming.

From our experience, the most effective way to navigate these obstacles is by learning from the successes and failures of others, and by surrounding yourself with other women founders who understand your journey.

Whether you're starting your first business, growing your company solo, juggling parenthood and entrepreneurship, or leading a dedicated team, discovering your community can be quite daunting

But once you connect with like-minded women founders, it can transform your entrepreneurial journey.

That's where Femmepreneurs steps in.

Joining Femmepreneurs grants you immediate access to a supportive network of female founders and entrepreneurs navigating similar paths.

Members consistently describe it as "transformative and life-changing”


What Can You Expect?

  • Get clear on what you want to offer, how to package your services/offerings, and how to price, market, and acquire customers.

  • Working alongside our business community will ensure that you avoid procrastination and take action consistently as you build your business

  • Get clear on strategy regarding the type of business you want to grow, how many clients you want to have, your revenue goals and how you want to deliver your services.

  • Meet other founders and build relationships to help open up new doors for you and your business. We will feature you on our website and social media page.

  • Our bi-weekly calls will give you the insights and support you need to stay accountable and speak through your challenges and wins.

  • Learn from coaches, business owners, and mentors. We interview one business owner and coach per month. All content will be saved in our library for your reference later.

  • Join our community of founders and build alongside other like-minded business owners.

Member Benefits

  • Join our Bi-Weekly Core Group Calls.

    Join a group of 6-8 founders and business owners twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month 9 am - 11 am [Evening 7 PM calls available to accommodate your schedule]. Take the floor to discuss your wins, blocks, and how we can help support you. The purpose of this roundtable is to give women the opportunity to connect with other female founders for accountability, connection, feedback, and business opportunities. Ultimately it's about pushing the boundaries together as a collective group focused on building and growing in various areas. Imagine having a group of 8 founders with you on a call, each with their own skills and experiences. How much value do you think that can add to your venture?

  • Learn From Experienced Business Owners & Coaches

    Attend our Speaker Series and Education Session.
    For inspiration and knowledge sharing, we will be inviting coaches, mentors, and other business owners to talk about their wins, setbacks, and breakthroughs. Save time by learning from their mistakes and applying their winning formula. All calls will be recorded and added to our library of content for future reference.

  • Visualize It First - Business Mindset Hour

    We don’t get what we want. We get how we feel about what we want. Everything we want to create is on the other side of fear and our limiting beliefs. If we want our results to change, we have to change. In school, we are not taught how to take control of our minds and how to outgrow our fears, for that reason, It’s extremely important for entrepreneurs to take time to calm their minds, learn how to overcome blocks and develop a plan to elevate their goals and skills to attain them. During this virtual mindful hour, we will spend time with our entire cohort of female founders like yourself to discuss the psychology behind our blocks, visualize our goals, and hear from other founders on the call on how they overcame their fears with wherever they are in their business. The meeting will be held on Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 9 AM - 10 AM [Evening option available at 7:00 PM to accommodate your schedule].

  • Quarterly - Goal Setting Workshop.

    Stop The Overwhelm and Find Clarity
    People get to where they want to go if they know where they want to go. If we don’t know what we want, we don’t know where to go next to get it. We must get clear on our business goals, what’s working, what’s not working, and how to create actionable steps to help get us to our goal. This goal-setting workshop runs once a quarter to guide you through a 5 step goal-setting technique to help you map out your goals and break them down into actionable monthly steps. This workshop will have a preparation piece for you to work on alone and a group piece you’ll work on with your core group.

  • Monthly Virtual Social Hour

    Attend a virtual social hour with all other business owners in our community for an opportunity to widen your network, connect with other business owners, and enjoy fun talk that might open up the door for referrals and business opportunities. This meeting will be held on Zoom at 7 PM on the last Tuesday of every month.

  • Our Virtual Community - The Success Circle

    Community is the glue to ensuring that you stick to your goals when things get tough and find support with an aligned group of women entrepreneurs. Business owners or not, we are human and connection is an important part of our lives. Get inspired, find support, ask for tools, vent, and talk about your ups and downs. We are here for you as a supportive community of women entrepreneurs. Gain access to our 24/7 virtual community on Slack, connect with women founders on your own time, attend our in-person events, and meet other women business owners.

  • In-Person Events

    If you are in Miami, join our community of wonderful like-minded women at our carefully curated brunches, dinners, and other fun events. Your membership includes access to 2 in-person dinner meetups and 1 brunch meetup. We have hosted events at locations like the 4 Seasons, the Ritz Carlton, and other beautiful locations because we deeply believe that our environment has a huge impact on how we feel and how we show up. Why not show up in beautiful spaces together as we build our empire.

Invest In Community, Connection, Support And Guidance, While You Build Your Empire

In South Florida



  • Get Answers To Your Pressing Questions. Join our Bi-Weekly Core Group Calls.
    Join a group of 6-8 founders and business owners twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month 9 am - 11 am [Evening 7 PM calls available to accommodate your schedule]. Take the floor to discuss your wins, blocks, and how we can help support you. The purpose of this roundtable is to give women the opportunity to connect with other female founders for accountability, connection, feedback, and business opportunities. Ultimately it's about pushing the boundaries together as a collective group focused on building and growing in various areas. Imagine having a group of 8 founders with you on a call, each with their own skills and experiences. How much value do you think that can add to your venture?

  • Attend our Speaker Series and Education Session.
    For inspiration and knowledge sharing, we will be inviting coaches, mentors, and other business owners to talk about their wins, setbacks, and breakthroughs. Save time by learning from their mistakes and applying their winning formula. All calls will be recorded and added to our library of content for future reference.

  • We don’t get what we want. We get how we feel about what we want. Everything we want to create is on the other side of fear and our limiting beliefs. If we want our results to change, we have to change. In school, we are not taught how to take control of our minds and how to outgrow our fears, for that reason, It’s extremely important for entrepreneurs to take time to calm their minds, learn how to overcome blocks and develop a plan to elevate their goals and skills to attain them. During this virtual mindful hour, we will spend time with our entire cohort of female founders like yourself to discuss the psychology behind our blocks, visualize our goals, and hear from other founders on the call on how they overcame their fears with wherever they are in their business. The meeting will be held on Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 9 AM - 10 AM [Evening option available at 7:00 PM to accommodate your schedule].

  • People get to where they want to go if they know where they want to go. If we don’t know what we want, we don’t know where to go next to get it. We must get clear on our business goals, what’s working, what’s not working, and how to create actionable steps to help get us to our goal. This goal-setting workshop runs once a quarter to guide you through a 5 step goal-setting technique to help you map out your goals and break them down into actionable monthly steps. This workshop will have a preparation piece for you to work on alone and a group piece you’ll work on with your core group.

  • Attend a virtual social hour with all other business owners in our community for an opportunity to widen your network, connect with other business owners, and enjoy fun talk that might open up the door for referrals and business opportunities. This meeting will be held on Zoom at 7 PM on the last Tuesday of every month.

  • Community is the glew to ensuring that you stick to your goals when things get tough and find support with an aligned group of women entrepreneurs. Business owners or not, we are human and connection is an important part of our lives. Get inspired, find support, ask for tools, vent, and talk about your ups and downs. We are here for you as a supportive community of women entrepreneurs. Gain access to our 24/7 virtual community on Slack, connect with women founders on your own time, attend our in-person events, and meet other women business owners.

  • If you are in Miami, join our community of wonderful like-minded women at our carefully curated brunches, dinners, and other fun events. Your membership includes access to 2 in-person dinner meetups and 1 brunch meetup. We have hosted events at locations like the 4 Seasons, the Ritz Carlton, and other beautiful locations because we deeply believe that our environment has a huge impact on how we feel and how we show up. Why not show up in beautiful spaces together as we build our empire.

*Expensing your membership:
This membership could qualify as a business expense.

Cancellation policy: While we're confident you'll enjoy your experience with us, you're free to cancel anytime. Your membership runs month to month without any commitment.





  • Get Answers To Your Pressing Questions. Join our Bi-Weekly Core Group Calls.
    Join a group of 6-8 founders and business owners twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month 9 am - 11 am [Evening 7 PM calls available to accommodate your schedule]. Take the floor to discuss your wins, blocks, and how we can help support you. The purpose of this roundtable is to give women the opportunity to connect with other female founders for accountability, connection, feedback, and business opportunities. Ultimately it's about pushing the boundaries together as a collective group focused on building and growing in various areas. Imagine having a group of 8 founders with you on a call, each with their own skills and experiences. How much value do you think that can add to your venture?

  • Attend our Speaker Series and Education Session.
    For inspiration and knowledge sharing, we will be inviting coaches, mentors, and other business owners to talk about their wins, setbacks, and breakthroughs. Save time by learning from their mistakes and applying their winning formula. All calls will be recorded and added to our library of content for future reference.

  • We don’t get what we want. We get how we feel about what we want. Everything we want to create is on the other side of fear and our limiting beliefs. If we want our results to change, we have to change. In school, we are not taught how to take control of our minds and how to outgrow our fears, for that reason, It’s extremely important for entrepreneurs to take time to calm their minds, learn how to overcome blocks and develop a plan to elevate their goals and skills to attain them. During this virtual mindful hour, we will spend time with our entire cohort of female founders like yourself to discuss the psychology behind our blocks, visualize our goals, and hear from other founders on the call on how they overcame their fears with wherever they are in their business. The meeting will be held on Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 9 AM - 10 AM [Evening option available at 7:00 PM to accommodate your schedule].

  • People get to where they want to go if they know where they want to go. If we don’t know what we want, we don’t know where to go next to get it. We must get clear on our business goals, what’s working, what’s not working, and how to create actionable steps to help get us to our goal. This goal-setting workshop runs once a quarter to guide you through a 5 step goal-setting technique to help you map out your goals and break them down into actionable monthly steps. This workshop will have a preparation piece for you to work on alone and a group piece you’ll work on with your core group.

  • Attend a virtual social hour with all other business owners in our community for an opportunity to widen your network, connect with other business owners, and enjoy fun talk that might open up the door for referrals and business opportunities. This meeting will be held on Zoom at 7 PM on the last Tuesday of every month.

  • Community is the glew to ensuring that you stick to your goals when things get tough and find support with an aligned group of women entrepreneurs. Business owners or not, we are human and connection is an important part of our lives. Get inspired, find support, ask for tools, vent, and talk about your ups and downs. We are here for you as a supportive community of women entrepreneurs. Gain access to our 24/7 virtual community on Slack, connect with women founders on your own time, attend our in-person events, and meet other women business owners.

  • If you are in Miami, join our community of wonderful like-minded women at our carefully curated brunches, dinners, and other fun events. Your membership includes access to 2 in-person dinner meetups and 1 brunch meetup. We have hosted events at locations like the 4 Seasons, the Ritz Carlton, and other beautiful locations because we deeply believe that our environment has a huge impact on how we feel and how we show up. Why not show up in beautiful spaces together as we build our empire.

*Expensing your membership:
This membership could qualify as a business expense.

Cancellation policy: While we're confident you'll enjoy your experience with us, you're free to cancel anytime. Your membership runs month to month without any commitment.

Have Any Questions?

Schedule a call with our team to discuss your business and how Les Femmes can help you reach your goals through our FemmePreneurs Business Lounge membership.